The True Originator Was Not Michael Jackson! #michaeljackson #kingofpop #shorts

I don't understand why many people still believe 
Michael Jackson invented the moonwalk but that's   not true here's the real story while the King 
of Pop is renowned for his iconic hits and his   signature dance moves he didn't invent the 
moonwalk the King of Pop made it Famous by   performing it flawlessly on mtown 25 in 1983 
so what really is the moonwalk well the real   name of the moonwalk is the backslide and it is 
a popping dance step when Michael was a child   he was heavily inspired by the dancers on Soul 
Train a classic 7s TV show airing the best black   contemporary music and dance acts back then 
many dancers showed their best backslide and   MJ loved the step so much that he really wanted 
to learn it next thing you know MJ did it live   on one of the biggest TV events of the time but 
who actually invented the backslide that credit   goes to Bill Bailey who debuted the move in 
1955 making him a true originator of the move

As found on YouTube