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Did You Know This About Michael Jackson.? #michaeljackson #kingofpop #shorts

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Did You Know This About Michael Jackson.? #michaeljackson #kingofpop #shorts

did you understand at the end of every real-time performance.
of Billy Jean Michael Jackson would famously throw his fedora hat right into the crowd for one fortunate.
follower to capture and maintain and all of those hats that were tossed were all directly authorized.
by Michael himself with a message claiming all my love Michael Jackson however there were two live.
performances where MJ didn'' t toss his fedora hat right into the crowd the initial one is Michael'' s.
legendary efficiency of Billy genene throughout the mtown 25 television special in 1983 Michael Dons.
his fedora as the first beat of Billy Jean begins he after that shows the hat for approximately.
19 seconds after that he throws it sideways of the stage this performance of Billy Jean is still.
related to as the greatest efficiency in Michael Jackson HIStory the second one is when Jackson.
performed Billy Jean at Super Bowl 27 in 1993 Michael used his well-known Fedora for just 9 seconds.
before tossing it to the side of the phase this performance is widely regarded as the finest and.
greatest halftime Super Bowl show in background.

As found on YouTube

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